A Beginning

Welcome to my new website!  As I was putting this together,  I discovered that there was a blog feature.  So I am attempting to begin my first blog.  I am calling it In & Out as I am hoping to share things that happen in my studio as well as out in the bigger world...related to my art development.

So take a look at my new website.  It has a very clean look, and I'm happy that I found Square Space.  It has been a good process to put this website together.  And I'm looking forward to being able to easily edit this site by adding new images of paintings that I do. 

I am excited about the blog as well.  I will try to write at least once a month...and we'll see how this evolves.

For anyone who is reading...thanks for your interest.  I'll look forward to what comes next...and please feel free to comment at any time.